
After reviewing the final printed version of the book, I need to make some minor corrections.

Through out the book PSYOPs should read PSYOP.

Page 72: paragraph beginning “Radio Hanoi’s…” line two. As reads: “in a 27 December 1962 broadcast. Despitetheir  attempts to put on a good” Should read: “in a 27 December 1962 broadcast. Despite their attempts to put on a good”

Page 82: last paragraph, last line As reads: “across Teletypes in newsrooms worldwide.” Should read: “across teletypes in newsrooms worldwide.”

Page 88: paragraph beginning “As Diem reasserted…” As reads: “As Diem reasserted civilian control in September, he answered announcers’ questions…” Should read: “As Diem reasserted civilian control in September, he answered the announcer’s questions…”

Page 97, paragraph beginning “During the late…” sixth line down As reads: “The MACV had already…” Should read: “MACV had already…”

Page 269 second paragraph beginning “A VC platoon…” sixth line down As reads: “had been reconstructing the North for many years…but the progress wasn’t…” Should read: had been reconstructing the North for many years…the progress wasn’t…”

Page 294 top paragraph line two As reads: “Resolution 14 in July,” Should read: “Resolution 14 in January,”

Page 299 paragraph beginning “As American troop…” line 11 As reads: “however; comparing the first…” Should read: “however, comparing the first…”

Page 301 paragraph beginning “Intelligence analysts…” line 5 As reads: “Resolution 14 in July.” Should read: “…Resolution 14 in January 1968.”